

Monday, November 16, 2015

Busy, Busy, Busy

The year is almost gone already and I haven't gotten used to 2015 yet.  Now that Holiday time is upon us, I don't seem to have time to figure out what to post on here.  Besides that I haven't posted since spring.  Maybe I'll do better next year.  There's just way too much happening in Mtse to keep up.

Monday, July 13, 2015

June 2015

June was busy.  We had several visitors.  Joy stopped in on the 3rd.  Bill, Judy and Katie were here the 25th, Dave and Karen were here the 30th.

Gma and I went to Roger Fernandez's funeral.  They used to live in Meeteetse and Gma knew them quite well.  I went to a Memorial service for Mary Fisher in Thermop.  She was a Gma era friend.

Mowed grass at the Town House twice and the Country Estate once.  The Game Warden finished that one for me.

Went to a movie at the rec center with the Senior book group.  Saw "Waking Ned DeVine".  Then the rec center started doing movies on Thursday evenings for the kids.  They had one at 5:00 for all ages - 0-107, and one at 6:45 for older kids, but all movies are rated PG.  I didn't have time to see both as there wasn't enough time between movies to come home for ice cream with Gma.   So I opted for the later movie.  No one else showed up so I got a private showing. It was "If I Had Wings".  The next week the lights fell down in the building so they had to cancel.  The next week, John had told us on the bus that they weren't having one because of the Fourth.  Besides the Schumachers and Limings were here.  Apparently they did have one and called a few people but nobody could go.  Now they aren't having them anymore because nobody showed up.  I tried.

Big Jim  is back.  They had a party at the Cowboy for him the 21st.  I went down and visited for a bit, but there were just a couple of people there.  They didn't have any goodies out like they advertised.  So I visited a bit, got my picture taken with him, and came home.

Had breakfast at the ElkHorn with one of the Church ladies and her daughter and son-in-law the 14th. That was fun.  The daughter is the head janitor at the school here.

Then there was the usual Senior lunches on Mondays and Wednesdays and the bus trips to Cody on Thursdays. Fridays the bus ladies have coffee or breakast at the ElkHorn now.

Keeps us busy just doing normal everyday stuff.  

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Help from the Rec District

On June 1st the kids from the Rec district came to help do yard work for Seniors.  They were not allowed to use any motorized equipment.  I said it they couldn't use a mower or weed eater I didn't have anything for them to do.  Then I gave it some thought and decided that if I got the lawn mowed they could rake up all that grass.  Usually after mowing it looks like I need a hay baler.  Raking would be good.  And they could pull weeds.  Then I thought of the sheep shears for trimming.  I called John and asked if they could use the sheep shears.  They aren't mechanized, but they are a sharp object.  He said he'd have to check on that.  Next day he called me and said the 16 year old could use a weed eater.  I thought that might be safer for them than the shears anyway as I doubt if any of them know how to use old fashioned shears.

I did get the lawn mowed before June 1.  They came with a mower and two weed eaters.  I had two kids
weed eating and two raking.  The other one pulled weeds.  He was older, like college material and was a sort of supervisor for the high schoolers.  They did end up doing a good job and really cleaned up the yard.  They did weed eating all around the outside of the garage and in the alley.

John and Angie (Rec District managers) came to check on them and I gave them a tour of my house.  Angie used to live there when her youngest was born.  That child is now in 5th grade, I think.  It had changed a lot since she lived there.  Anyway they hustled the kids up as they had to go to lunch at noon as some had other jobs at 1:00pm.  And they had another place to work on before noon.  Sent over a couple of more kids to help finish up.  I got a picture before they all got away, so I could give it to John for the Rec district info on their "help" programs. 

They did a good job and were very nice about it and paid attention to what I said needed to be done.  I really appreciated their help.  However it was just a one day thing and now the grass is ready to be mowed again and weeds are all back in the alley. 

Tuesday, June 9, 2015


May!  What can I say?  May is Gma's birthday all month, and then Mother's Day is thrown in there as well.  Gma had 30 people in the yard and 2 fire trucks to sing to her this year.  It was kinda cold and spitting little bits of snow every now and then, but they came anyway.  Maylee Potas and Sara Rankine played "Amazing Grace" on their recorders and then everyone sang it to her.  It was great.  She got lots of phone calls from relatives and friends.  Some came in the afternoon and brought more goodies and flowers.

The day before she had a couple of visitors, Terri brought her rum laced cookies and Levi Gitlitz brought her flowers. 

On Sunday (Mother's Day) the whole congregation of St Therese's sang "Happy Birthday" to her and many came and shook her hand and wished her many more.  The Bill Bains came to visit that afternoon.  Woody Bains visited the 12th and came back again the 24th with Audrey Gray, Chris and Karen's sister.  David Bain was her the 27th.  There were other local visitors throughout the month.

May gave us lots of rain and made the grass grow and grow and grow.  It finally quite long enough for the Game Warden to get the country estate mowed the 28th, and I got the town house mowed the 29th.  Looked like I needed a hay baler

This month the Senior bus ladies have been having coffee and breakfast at the ElkHorn on Fridays.  It's a regular thing now.  There were a couple of funerals this month, and a bank history program at the Museum. High school graduation was May 30th.  We had an invitation from Wilson Renner, but didn't go to the school ceremony.  There was a picnic in the park afterward, so I did go over to that for a minute to congratulate Wilson, but didn't stay for the eats.  I really don't know many of those people anyway.

Saturday, April 25, 2015

another busy week

Thought I'd have more leisure time this week.  WRONG!!!!

There was Seniors Monday and Wednesday and the bus to Cody on Thursday.  That's the day those of us on the bus decided to meet the next morning for breakfast at the ElkHorn.  We've talked about it before, but our schedules were all too busy to get it in.  So this week we just did it.  Was a fun morning and we all enjoyed our breakfasts and the visit.  Will have to do it more often now. 

Tuesday I went to Cody in the morning to get my hair cut.  It was long, long, long overdue.  Then got back in time to fix lunch and go back to Cody to take Gma to the doctor about her sore shoulder.  She wrenched it one night pulling up the covers.  Said she heard it pop.  She thought it would go away, so we put thergesic on it a couple of nights, but that didn't help.  She would take tylenol which did help her sleep some, but it wasn't working real well either.  If she could get it positioned just right she could sleep, but then she'd move and it would hurt enough to wake her up again.  So off to the doc we went Tuesday afternoon.  It wasn't swollen or bruised, but he thought it needed to be x-rayed.  Good news was it wasn't broken, bad news was she had torn the rotor cuff.  She doesn't do well with pain pills, but she told him she could handle codeine.  He prescribed tylenol 3 which has codeine and it seems to help some.  At least she sleeps for longer periods of time at night.  She will only take one at night.  She says it doesn't hurt so much in the daytime when she's sitting up.  She can rest it on the arm of her chair.  He also showed her an easy exercise to do so it doesn't stiffen up.  It doesn't put any pressure on the shoulder, but keeps it moving.  She does that when she comes to the table. 

Gayle brought more stuff to put in my shop.  This is the big furniture type stuff.  She had some Sunday and again on Thursday. 

Saturday evening I went to a wedding.  It was supposed to be in the back yard of the Oasis, but it was raining tonight, so they moved it into the ElkHorn.  That was where the reception was to be held anyway.  I didn't stay for all that. 

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Busy week

Last week we were on the go all week.  Monday was Seniors, Tuesday I went to Hdn to vacuum more cobwebs and check out my house.  Then went to the realtor and put it on the market.  Good feeling to have that done.  Wednesday was Seniors again, Thursday went to Cody on the Senior bus, Friday the Seniors went to lunch at the Senior Center in Worland.  That was fun as we got to visit with some Mtse people that now live in Worland.  Two of us used to live in Worland and now live in Mtse.  Saturday I went back to Worland for Katie Janicek's party.  She earned her degree in Criminal Justice.  It was also the same time as the Geis's Old Geezer Party so they combined it all in one.  They are all relatives, so it worked out. Got a short visit with all the Bains and Janiceks.  Sunday Dave and Karen were here for a visit and I took them to lunch at the ElkHorn.

This week has been just about as busy.  Senior lunches Monday and Wednesday, Senior bus to Cody on Thursday.  Tuesday Gma went to see the doctor about her sore shoulder.  She wrenched it pulling up the covers a couple of weeks ago and figured it would go away.  But it didn't and seemed to be getting sorer.  They took x-rays and she has a torn rotor cuff.  Gave her a prescription for tylenol 3 for pain and some easy exercises that won't over tax it, but will keep it moving.  The tylenol makes her sleep better and she only takes one a night.  She can take more, but she won't. 

So far nothing going on Friday, but Saturday I go to the Oasis for a wedding. Reception to follow at ElkHorn. 

Sometime next week I'm going to have to mow my grass.  I noticed today that it's getting tall since the last wet snow. Dandelions are showing up as well, so will have to get out the weed spray too. 

Monday, April 13, 2015

Art Work

George came over and helped me hang some pictures in the garage and shop.  It was payment for three pieces of wood.  He said he'd come back and help me put some of the tables back together, if I want. 

Then I got most of the lawn raked up.  Just have one little corner of the back lawn and the side with the trees and rocks and the garden.  That won't be too bad, I don't think.  After that I can get to the side of the garage now that the woodpile is gone.  Millie and Yvonne have all the weed spray stuff so we will spray soon.  Things are really looking up. 

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Life in Mtse

We had a nice Easter just doing nothing.  Ate pot pies for our Easter dinner.  Nice change and very little clean up or preparation.  Betty Potas brought Gma some mint ice cream bars on Saturday, so we had that for dessert.

I've been cleaning my yard for spring.  So far I've raked 4 garbage bags of dead grass and leaves.  Got all the side yard done and pulled some stuff out of the bushes in front.  Raked up part of the back yard.  Did where the bushes are between the house and garage and by the greenhouse. 

George Franzen asked me for some pieces of wood, so I have him three and he is to come Friday or Saturday and hang some big pictures for me in the garage.  Gayle fixed that one of Spain and I've decided to hang it above one of the windows in the garage along with the beer one that was left there.  She washed that one and cleaned it up too.  Looks quite nice.  Then I have a couple of other big ones that I want up high. 

Yesterday and today I moved the wood pile.  Figured if its out of sight it'll be out of mind.  I'm not using it, but I don't want to sell it either.  Not sure what I'll do with it, but for now I'm keeping it.  Will use a couple of them for sitting on by the front steps or the back steps.  Might use some for seating in the greenhouse picnic area.  I'll think of something.  There is a big community yard sale coming up May 1st in conjunction with the fishing derby.  Don't really want to have to explain the wood then.  There were 151 pieces of wood that I moved.  Took the smaller ones in the wagon and the bigger pieces with the dolly.  Worked at it an hour and a half yesterday and another hour today.  There is still one big log between the garage and the fence, but I can't lift it.  Now I can get to that part of my yard and rake dead weeds.  Will make it easier to get back there to spray weeds, too.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Arlene's retirement

Last Sunday we went to Arlene's retirement party at the Senior Center.  She has been delivering mail on our route for 25 1/2 years.  We will miss her as she did extra stuff for us sometimes.  Now we have to train a new person.  The new guy went with her a couple of times and she said he was writing everything down in a notebook, so will see how well he remembers.  I rather suspect I'll have to actually check our mail box from time to time.  Arlene would raise the flag if we had mail.  We don't get much on the route anymore except junk mail.  But now and again we get a card from someone who doesn't have our box. 

It was a nice party.  Gma wasn't going to go, but later decided she would if we went early before the crowd started.  So she went.  Arlene was really happy to see her there.  Joe and Alice were there and Alice really got excited to see her.  Wanted her picture taken with Gracie and also with Dan and Arlene.  She forgot to bring a camera so asked if I'd take them for her.  I did.  One of Arlene's daughters was taking pics of everyone so she got some too.  Won't have to make extras for Arlene.  All of the Griffin kids and most of their kids were there.  Lots of local people came as well as lots of Arlene's relatives. 

Virginia Salzman Foreman and her cousin Fr. Tom Ogg were there from Ten Sleep. They are cousins to Arlene.  I had seen Virginia at the REA meeting and told her to stop by if she ever happened to be over here.  So she took me up on it and Fr. Tom brought her up to the house before the party.  It was good to see her and she and Gma had a nice visit.  Virginia was in my sister's high school class.  Fr. Tom was in Sonny Bain's class. 

After Gma visited and had her picture taken with the Griffins and Kordonoways, she inspected the cake and told Dan to save her a piece.  Then she was ready to go home.  I took her home and then went back and actually visited with Arlene and some of her kids, had my cake and punch.  Dan fixed a piece of cake for Gma and I brought it home.  She thought it was a pretty big piece and we could cut it in two, so I could have some too.  I said I had my cake there.  And she did eat the whole thing with her ice cream.

Sunday, March 22, 2015

ElkHorn, Em, Church

Last Thursday was a busy day.  Went to Cody on the Senior bus for our usual shopping trip.  Then that evening I went to the ElkHorn for Joe and Alice's surprise retirement party.  They sold the bar last week which was finalized the 13th..  The party wasn't until the 19th to coincide with the NRA Wall of Guns raffle.  They didn't suspect they're honors.  The raffle cost $10 per ticket and after 100 tickets were sold they drew a name.  Then they started another 100 tickets for the next gun.  Your ticket also included a spaghetti dinner.  I didn't participate in that. I just went to wish the Kordonoways well.  The place was packed, but I managed to get some visiting done.  After one of the raffles, the Visitor Center gal announced the gifts for Joe and Alice.  They were truly surprised. I got a few pics, and then I got my picture taken with both of them.  That took some doing as people were congratulating them and hugging.  But we got it done.  They were presented with a Memory Picture album.  The album was leather bound, done by a local person.  Everyone who wanted was included in sending in pictures or making their own page for the album.  Was a really neat thing. 

I didn't stay long, about an hour and I didn't want a plate full of spaghetti or a gun, so didn't eat.  They were much too busy to get around to tables for drinks, so I didn't have one of those either.  One fellow had gone up to the bar to get drinks, but they were too busy to even notice him, so he didn't get any either.  Think he had some later, though.  I talked to Emily on the way out and she was dog sitting for Scott and Diane, so wanted to come visit Gma.  I thought that was a splendid idea, so she was here the next morning and we had a great visit.  She looks really good.

Today, Sunday we had cake and coffee after Church for Fr. Vaske's birthday.  There were quite a lot of people today and most of them stayed.  Nice time.

There's always something going on in Mtse.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

REA Annual Meeting

Saturday I got to go to the Annual REA meeting.  I'm official now as I have a place in town and am connected to their service.  I could have gone last year, but that's when Gma fell down and just got home from the hospital.  I wouldn't go then. 

Anyway this year I got to go.  Rode the Senior bus.  There were 12 of us including the driver.  We left Meeteetse at 8:00am, so had to hustle a bit to get ready in the morning.  Takes about an hour to get to Greybull.  They had registration from 9:30 to 10:30, then the meeting started at 10:30.  They were quite prompt with it.  This year they streamlined the meeting so it didn't go past lunch.  They didn't have all the prize drawings that they have done in the past, but this year everyone who registered got $50 credit on their bill.  There was a grand prize drawing for $500 credit.  Then Tri-State Electric had a drawing for a big TV.  I didn't win either of those.  Oh well!  There's always next year.

The meeting was finished by 11:55.  Lunch was cafeteria style with three tables set up in different parts of the gym.  People could go on either side, so they moved 270 some people through in 15 minutes.  It was an interesting day and I did see my sister's classmate, Alice, again.  Also got a quick visit with another of my sister's classmates, Virginia.  As soon as lunch was over we went home.  Got back here about 2:30 as I had to pick up the mail and check my town house.  Betty Potas had come to fix lunch for Gma and they had a good visit too.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Little Shirley

I went to a funeral in Ten Sleep today.  My friend, Little Shirley, died March 7th.  She had been in ill health for several years, but still it's sad to lose a friend.  At least she is not suffering any more. 

It was a very "up beat" service.  The singer did a beautiful job.  The minister read a poem from the children, and a granddaughter read one from all the grandchildren.  Then people were invited to share little stories for the memories.  There were quite a few.  The Church was packed.  After the service they went across the street to the cemetary for graveside service, then back to the church for a luncheon.

I missed the graveside service as I was visiting with a woman from my childhood.  They lived across the street from us when I was in 1st, 2nd and 3rd grades.  She was two years younger and her sister was a year older.  Anyway she now lives in the house that we lived in way back then.  We had quite a chat.  She met her husband in Las Vegas and they came back to Worland to get married.  Usually people go to Vegas to get married not leave.  She thought that was funny. 

When the people came back for the lunch I got in a short visit with Little Shirley's sisters from Nebraska.  I knew two of them from Omaha days.  The older sister I had met a time or two, but didn't know her as well.  It was good to see them and find out about some of the others that we all roomed with from time to time back then.  Also got to visit Big Shirley.  She lived with Little Shirley in Worland when I was in High School and is Little Shirley's husband's sister.  Finally got a chance to visit with Alice, who is my sister's classmate, but she was always my friend too.  

The day was overcast, but warm and nice.  On the way out of Mtse this morning I drove by the Grass Creek turn off and there was a huge bull elk right in the gateway.  Had to turn around and go back to get his picture.  Two Game and Fish trucks were there by then, but he wasn't going away.  It was like he was pacing back and forth to guard the gateway.  Then a big semi came around the corner, so I assume he moved, but I was gone by then and the elk wasn't anywhere around when I came back.

Saturday, February 28, 2015

injury report

Things are slowly getting better.  I can move better and faster, just get a bit stiff and sore if I sit too long.  Can't tell if my butt is black and blue because I can't see it, but it sure feels like it might be.  My knee is still sore to touch and is black and blue, but doesn't hurt to move it.  Then I discovered a bruise on my elbow that I didn't know was there until I saw it in the mirror when I combed my hair.  It doesn't hurt, but there is a small bump and a chafe mark. 

Had to sweep snow off the ramps again today.  I managed to get on the ramp without stepping on the ice under the snow.  Found the de-icer stuff and really socked it to that icy spot.  I'm still not stepping on it though. 

Got the front porch all cleaned off for Gma to go to Church tomorrow.  Hope it doesn't snow again tonight.  Sweeping and shoveling don't seem to bother my sore spots, just as long as I don't move too fast.  I don't have to pick up shovelfuls of snow, just scoop it off, then sweep. 

I'll just keep taking it slow and easy for awhile and one of these days I won't even remember I was sore.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

injury recovery

Yay!!  Today I was "good to go" on the bus.  Slept on the heat pad last night which helped immensely.  Took tylenol before left home and then another one at noon time.  Worked great.  I walked around just like always.  There were a couple of twinges going up the steps, but not going down.  I bruised my tail bone so I expect it will be kinda sore for a week or so before it's gone completely, but at least I can walk and bend and stoop.    Got along without a super soft pillow on the chairs.  All is good.

I do have a black and blue spot on my knee and can't figure out how I got that.  I fell flat on my back, not my knees.  Might have gotten it when I crawled to the other ramp to get up. That ice was hard for crawling.
Only one knee is bruised, not the other one.  They both had equal crawling time.  It's only sore to touch, not for movement.

I'm just following in my Mother's footsteps.  She used to take tumbles and came out relatively unscathed.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Flesh Wound

Had to shovel snow today before I could get out.  Did the main ramp and a path to the garage.  Went to Senior lunch, got groceries, shoveled walk to front step at Town House, checked house, came home for Gma's lunch.  Then it was time to shovel the trailer ramp so I could get clean clothes for tomorrow. 

The ice in front of the ramp and I didn't see eye to eye.  That ice just pulled my feet out from under me and knocked me to the ground, flat on my back.  My head hit the snow pile, so that was good, but it got my chesire cat hat all wet.  Took a few minutes to get up and I crawled to the house ramp rail for better footing.  That damn ice is hard! And it hurt!  Threw some more snow over the ice so I could get traction and finished shoveling the ramp.  Got my clothes and changed into some dry stuff as well. 

Some stiffness set in later and I was moving kinda slow, but I was moving.  Couldn't sit for a long period of time as it stiffened up, so I kept getting up and down and walking around the house.  Tonight it's much better, but still have some sore spots.  Will probably have more by morning in different places.  Gma got upset because I fell down and she can't do anything to help.  I had to tell her because I wasn't moving very fast.  I can bend and stoop, and did a few leg swings and that worked.  Just as long as I don't move too fast or turn too sharply, I'm fine.

Had to go into town this evening to meet Gayle and used the seat heater.  Boy!  Did that ever feel good.  Gayle needed to get a box she had there and she did, so she shoveled my sidewalk for me and part of the driveway while she was killing time to go to Bible Study.  That worked out well as I wasn't going to do anymore shoveling for awhile.

Not sure how the bus ride to Cody is going to go, but I'll see in the morning.  I'm going to sleep on the heat pad tonight and that should help.  I've been sitting on a really soft pillow all afternoon.  Might have to take it with me for the bus tomorrow.  Will see.

Anyway it really isn't bad now, so I guess I'm going to live.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Author night - Pancake supper

Tonight was a busy night.  They had an author speak at the Library from 5-7 and the annual pre-Lenten pancake supper at St Andrews Church was from  5-7 as well.  The author is a retired CIA person and lives in Cody.  She has written a novel about a female operative, based on her own experiences.  She was a very interesting speaker.  I went up to get a book and have my picture taken with her, but was going to skip the talk and go to the supper, then home for ice cream with Gma.  She said she was only speaking from 5-5:30 and the rest was question and answer time, then she'd autograph books for those wishing to buy one.  So I decided to stay.  Got my book and had it autographed and got a picture before 5:00, so I was set. I did stay to hear her talk and a couple of questions, then left.  Got to the supper in time for a good parking hole.  They had a pretty fair crowd there.  Several had already been and gone and quite a few came after I did. 

I was home by 6:45, not too shabby. 
Check out her story in the Cody Enterprise

Hope that link will work. If not maybe I can copy and paste the article.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Museum program

Last night I went to a program at the Museum.  Northwest College was sponsoring a faculty jazz ensemble.  They had a local caterer furnish wine and beer with several kinds of hors d'ouvres.  Very good.  The music was GREAT!  They played six numbers.  There were five musicians, a trumpet, saxophone, guitar, bass, and drummer.  Each one announced a number.  One was from Stan Kenton, one from Dave Brubeck, two were improvisations from Bach, one from Charlie Mingus, and the last was more blues jazz from Cannonball Adderley. I thoroughly enjoyed it.  Great program and great food.

Didn't take any pics as the light isn't good in there anyway and besides, I forgot my camera.

However, I did ask about the Owl Creek/Butch Cassidy book.  Monday at Seniors, Joan brought me her copy of it.  She has read it and isn't all that familiar with that part of the country, so she just gave it to me.  Now I don't have to copy all the info about the Prices.  She had suggested that we might find a copy of it at the Thermopolis Museum.  I'll have to tell Joe & Joy.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Power Outage

We were without power from 7:50p.m. Thursday (5th) to 2:00a.m. Monday (9th).  Made for an interesting weekend.  Apparently the strong, wild winds blew down some power poles on Sage Creek in the Hoodoo area somewhere.  I don't know if a tree blew on the wire or if it just snapped a pole and the rest dominoed.  There were reports of anywhere from 18 to 13 poles down.  The person I talked to for Rocky Mountain Power said 13.  At any rate they had to get new poles from Powder River at Casper.  That was on Friday, then getting them up and running took the rest of the time.  They brought in extra crews and equipment, but the mud and muck, plus more strong winds made it very difficult.  The first time I called the recorded report said 1800 homes were without power.  Next time I called it was 800 without power and the last time I called it was 180.  So they were making progress.  I can only imagine what a nightmare that must have been putting up those poles and stringing wire in all that mess, bogging down in the mud and battling strong winds at the same time.  I am grateful that there are people that do that sort of work though. 

We were fine here.  Gma has a nice little propane heating stove which kept her house warm and comfy.  Just no fan to circulate the air.  She told me I could run around a circulate it.  Then she had me find the kerosene lamps.  They actually had kerosene in them.  We also had a drawer full of candles and a drawer full of flashlight batteries for the six flashlights I found.  So we were pretty well off.  Larry Rankine came by to tell us to be very conservative with the water and the water plant was also our of power.  I filled some jugs with water for drinking and cooking, just in case, but we didn't need them as we had pressure for the duration.  I did take all our refrigerator and freezer stuff to the Town House and made several trips back and forth for that kind of food.  Gma has an electric cook stove as well as a gas one.  So we used the gas one.  She is well prepared.  She has been through power outages before.  Come to think of it she lived at a time before power. 

Joe and Joy stopped to see us Friday on their way to Cody.  They arrived just as Larry was leaving so Joe had a good visit with him.  At that same time I had a phone call from the Chocolatier.  He had goodies for me for my birthday from the Hawaii Steeles.  Then Ed called and I cut him short.  Then Steve Willis called about some pictures he had sent me on a disc.  I cut him short too, but he found out what he needed to know.  Sheesh!  It's all or nothing.

Pat came for her Gma fix on Saturday so she got in on some of this pioneer living.  She stayed at the Town House overnight.  We also had Church Saturday evening with a carry in dinner and brief Parish Meeting.  Pat got in on that too.  Sunday was relatively quiet and peaceful even though we still didn't have power.  Pat left about 1:00p.m.  Said the wind wasn't as bad that day as when she came down on Sat.  Then when we woke up Monday morning we had power again.  After Senior lunch I brought back all the stuff from the Town House.

Many of the ranchers up river had generators for power, but lots had to haul water for their livestock.  I'm glad we don't have livestock.

Some of our friends in town were really concerned about Gma and wanted to help move her to town, but she wouldn't go.  The temps were rather warm - in the 40s so we were fine.  If it had been sub-zero temps I might have moved her whether she wanted to go or not, but as it was she didn't need to go. She was rather  vocal about it too.  She really would have a more difficult time in the Town House.  Its all unfamiliar territory and there are threshholds in every doorway that she would have to lift her walker over.  It wouldn't be too convenient for her anyway.  Better she could stay in her own home.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Groundhog Day

MY Groundhog saw all kinds of shadows everywhere as the sun was very big and shiny.  In the shade of the hill, however, he stepped in the snow which made his toes cold, so he just hopped back in his hole and snuggled down for another six weeks nap.

I had a very nice day.  Didn't do anything exciting.  Gma sang "Happy Birthday" to me at breakfast and we did our usual chores and had coffee break before I left for town to attend John Hogg's funeral service.  It was entirely conducted by the family and was very nice.  Julie did an awesome job.

Then I went to Senior lunch and as I walked in the door they all sang "Happy Birthday" to me.  That was a pleasant surprise.  I joked with the cooks about having a groundhog on the Feb birthday cake and they said they'd try.  WOW!  They are so good to me.  Gma bought me 10 lunch tickets for my birthday, then she bought my dinner today at the ElkHorn.  Had a shrimp dinner which I brought home and we shared.  Neither one of us can eat a whole dinner anymore.  It was sure good though and a nice change.

After lunch I met my friend at the town house as she had taken a couple of pictures I had and framed them for me.  She wanted to return them for my birthday.  They are beautiful now! Here's the before and after.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Check up time

Gma had her 2 week check up from her hospital stay.  She is fine.  She had the doctor and nurse in stitches (laughing). He asked what they told her at the hospital and she said they didn't tell her anything.  They just talked to me and ignored her. She said they checked out her heart and had her hooked up to all kinds of things all over, but it wasn't her heart. It was a pain down her side. They didn't pay any attention. He asked if she was afraid of dying or if that bothered her at all.  She said, No, of course not.  Everybody dies sooner or later so no need to worry about it. I think they might have thought she was depressed.  That seems to be a big thing right now. 

She did get another shot in her leg as it still bothers her.  Last time she was getting sharp pains down her leg and he gave her a shot which helped a little. Also prescribed some anti inflammatory cream to rub on it, which she said didn't help.  The pain was still there, but not the sharp shooting ones.  She wasn't sure if she could have another shot yet or not, and he said she could.  It might not help, but it wouldn't hurt either.  So she got one and today said her leg didn't hurt much at all, so maybe this one worked.  He did tell her it was Iliotibial Band Syndrome and gave us a paper with exercises on it to stretch it.  He wasn't sure if she could do any of them as they require some exertion, but there was one which might help if she can lean on a chair or couch and lean over.  But her stability isn't all that great, so we might have to improvise.  She did do her other leg exercises today.  She probably does need to do more moving around than what she has been doing lately.

Gayle Barnett came for a visit this morning and brought a really good chocolate treat.  It is more like bars and has chocolate chips and raisins.  I made real coffee for our coffee break and visit. 

We had a skiff of snow last night, so got a bit of manual labor in today as I had to sweep the ramps and my town steps.  Didn't get the sidewalk done today.  Maybe tomorrow.  Just the deer use the sidewalk anyway.

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Town House

Finally took down my Christmas decorations.  One day I boxed up all the scene things and took everything off the tree.  The next day I took the branches off the tree and put it away, then boxed the decorations in their proper boxes.  The third day I took everything back out to the garage.  Used my new little red wagon to haul it all.  Only took three trips that way.  Worked very well.  I kinda missed the thunk thunk of the tires on the old wagon though. 

Next time I work in the Town House I'll hang more pictures.  Have lots to put up, just can't decide where I want them.  I'm not so reluctant to put holes in the walls as I was.  I'm getting used to the fact that this is "my house".  I can do it "my way".  Such a satisfying feeling.  I love it!

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

West Park Hilton

Friday Gma said she was having chest pains.  One was quite sharp and strong around 5:00pm, but after that they were just little tweaks.  And they weren't really in her chest, more to the left and her upper side.  She said they weren't like heart chest pains.  We decided she'd better go to the ER in Cody just to be sure as we didn't want to have to wake up in the middle of the night and have to go.  So off we went.  They checked her all out and couldn't really find anything.  She did have a couple of tweaks there, but they weren't long enough for them to get a handle on it.  They took blood, did vitals, chest x-ray and all that good stuff.  Waited for results from all that and then decided that she could either have an MRI or stay overnight for observation to see if anything more happened.  The MRI would involve iodine being injected into her system which could or could not cause other problems, especially with her liver.  So we opted for the overnight stay.  They got her admitted to the hospital and there we stayed.  They took vitals quite often in the night and blood that night and in the morning.  She did have a couple of tweaks, but again not long or sharp.  Got breakfast in the morning - scrambled eggs and a big danish roll, coffee, juice, and oatmeal.  Gma ate all her roll and a bite of egg, drank all her coffee.  Pretty good for her.  I ate everything, but the oatmeal.  Doctor finally came about 11:00am and said she could go home.  They didn't find anything going on with her.  He thought the pain could be a muscle at the rib cage.  Said to take tylenol for pain and it would probably go away.  All her vital signs were good, her blood was good, heart good.  They called it atypical chest pain. Anyway we could stay for lunch since it was coming in about 10 minutes, then we could go home.  So we did.  Gma had ordered a half chicken salad sandwich and a cup of tomato soup, with chocolate ice cream for dessert.  They brought a bowl of soup, but she ate half of it and the sandwich and ice cream.  I got  roast pork, scalloped potatoes, cauliflower-broccoli  veggies, and rice krispie bar for dessert. She doesn't have to take any medication except her baby aspirin as usual, but she has to have a follow up appointment with her regular doctor in two weeks.  We are to keep track of the pains.  She told me twice that she had one and I wrote it down, but she hasn't told me of any more and I can't tell unless she jumps or something.  When I ask she just says she doesn't think so at least not so you could tell as they go so fast she isn't sure.

Gma sure starts these years off with a bang. 

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

New Year - 2015

I started out last year doing pretty well with posts.  Then Gma fell down and ended up in the hospital and I just never got around to doing any more.  Don't know why,  I just didn't.

So I'll give it another go this year.

First off we got a New Year's Baby.  Not "THE" New Year's baby, but "OUR" New Year's Baby.  Little Martin Elliot Dwyer was born at 5:05 am January 1, 2015.  Whooooeeeee!  Congratulations Katie and Andrew.

There are four little 5th generation boys running around now.  That's awesome!