

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

3/4 Century

What an awesome party!  I thoroughly enjoyed it all. 

Some of my kids arrived on Thursday afternoon so they could be ready to got to Kirwin Friday morning.  That was a good idea and off went the guys bright and early around 9:00 am.  So the girls all climbed the hill.  I had time to briefly take in another birthday breakfast party at Lucille's for a friend.  Didn't have time to have breakfast with them, but I did take a few pics and wished her well.

Some of the kids went to Cody to do last minute shopping for the Saturday shindig.  Other people arrived that day, so we were all busy.  Friday evening those that were here and wanted to partake went to the Cowboy for supper.  That was fun.  Got in quite a bit of visiting and relatives meeting other relatives. The Museum sponsored a lady singer, Gypsy V, so some listened to her perform after dinner.  Later that evening we closed up the Cowboy.

Saturday morning Bonnie was set up for her book signing at the Visitor Center.  That went well and all of her books at Little Big Man were sold, as well as the ones the Museum had. 

The open house for me was at Lucille's Ferret Den from 2:00 to 4:00 pm.  There were lots of people in those two hours.  Lots of visiting.  My classmate from Phoenix came with her sister from Billings (the year behind us), also had three of my sister's classmates come to visit.  That was impressive.  There were over 100 people there. 

The National Day of the American Cowboy was also that weekend and the Oasis had a free barbecue and dancing to Cooper and the Crowd Thinners.  So all the relatives went to that.  It was good of the cowboys to let me celebrate with them even if they didn't know about it.  Then we closed up the Cowboy Bar again.

Sunday a few of us went to Church, then had a picnic lunch for all the relatives and far out of towners at noon at the Oasis.  More good visiting. Most of the relatives left that afternoon. My kids went looking for fossils on the hill, and the little girls got to pet the horses and mules again.  Had supper at the ElkHorn and  later we closed up the Cowboy Bar that night too. 

It will be another 25 years before we do all this again, unless, of course, someone else decides to have a celebration.  There are three 50 year birthdays coming up all within 6 months of each other.

I have gotten several comments on how much the Mtse businesses like our relatives.  They (my relatives) were very nice and friendly and spent money all over town, so the merchants appreciate them and appreciate their business.

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