

Tuesday, June 9, 2015


May!  What can I say?  May is Gma's birthday all month, and then Mother's Day is thrown in there as well.  Gma had 30 people in the yard and 2 fire trucks to sing to her this year.  It was kinda cold and spitting little bits of snow every now and then, but they came anyway.  Maylee Potas and Sara Rankine played "Amazing Grace" on their recorders and then everyone sang it to her.  It was great.  She got lots of phone calls from relatives and friends.  Some came in the afternoon and brought more goodies and flowers.

The day before she had a couple of visitors, Terri brought her rum laced cookies and Levi Gitlitz brought her flowers. 

On Sunday (Mother's Day) the whole congregation of St Therese's sang "Happy Birthday" to her and many came and shook her hand and wished her many more.  The Bill Bains came to visit that afternoon.  Woody Bains visited the 12th and came back again the 24th with Audrey Gray, Chris and Karen's sister.  David Bain was her the 27th.  There were other local visitors throughout the month.

May gave us lots of rain and made the grass grow and grow and grow.  It finally quite long enough for the Game Warden to get the country estate mowed the 28th, and I got the town house mowed the 29th.  Looked like I needed a hay baler

This month the Senior bus ladies have been having coffee and breakfast at the ElkHorn on Fridays.  It's a regular thing now.  There were a couple of funerals this month, and a bank history program at the Museum. High school graduation was May 30th.  We had an invitation from Wilson Renner, but didn't go to the school ceremony.  There was a picnic in the park afterward, so I did go over to that for a minute to congratulate Wilson, but didn't stay for the eats.  I really don't know many of those people anyway.

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